Monthly Letter
As January arrives and the holidays fade away, a collective sigh of relief is had. The buzz of festive activities gives way to the calmer rhythm of winter. This month, with its cold days and snowy mornings, gently reminds us that life doesn’t always have to be a race. January offers a much-needed pause, to intentionally slow down and take a break.
Say less.
I'm not really into setting New Year's goals; instead, I prefer choosing a word for the year, dreaming up ideas, and setting my intentions. As a creative outlet and a way to stay organized, I've decided to write a monthly letter. It's like a love letter, where I can ramble about whatever's on my mind, along with the things I've been doing and enjoying over the past month. Hopefully providing a little bit of inspiration along the way! So welcome to
Januarys love letter.
The Moodboard
This month's moodboard is a reflection of the vision I have for the year. My word, a few design inspo pics, a one year old celebration and raising my two boys!

Watching: Bad Sisters Stream this on AppleTV. I am loving this series so far, you have to pay attention because their Irish accents can be a little thick at times but its a show that will keep your attention.
Listening: Of course I made a playlist for the new year and its called, Something New creative, I know.
Making: Homemade cheezits, homemade ravioli, homemade cookies and homemade bagels. Clearly its the month for some homemade food free from all of the grocery store crud! The cold days call for warm nourishing meals and more time in the kitchen.
Designing: Something about the first of the year always fills my design calendar. I think putting away Christmas decor and having a little cabin fever sparks a change in us all. I am so grateful for all my clients I am working with. I am currently finishing up a very large full house reno, a little girls big girl room, a few more kid spaces, a bold powder room, a mid century modern living room a rental, and my sons first birthday!
Welcoming the New Year with My Word for the Year
Grounded; feeling connected & stable. Well balanced
Each new year presents the opportunity to define a guide for the year, summed up in one powerful word. Choosing a word for the year helps focus my actions and shape my experiences. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by a lengthy list of resolutions, my word acts as a guide through my year.
I want to be balanced and purposeful in my days which make up my months and turn into a whole year. Since adding Copelan to our family I have really realized how quick time moves, how fast they grow and change, how I really want to be present and hold on to all of these moments, even the mundane days. In years past I tend to give so much to one thing and then whatever is left over is what the rest gets. This causes some serious burn out in areas, or not being able to give what I should to other areas of life. The days I mom so hard leave me feeling frustrated because my work piles up, the days I give my everything to work leaves me feeling guilty because I spent zero quality time with my boys. I understand that life can't be perfectly balanced 24/7, but my goal is to ground myself each day with the things I need to do, the things I want to do, and achieve balance throughout my day. So here is to being grounded in 2025.
Snow Days: Embracing the Chill, literally.
Ah, snow days—those magical times when the world transforms into a winter wonderland! When snow blankets the ground, time seems to slow down, providing a perfect excuse to enjoy life’s simple pleasures. And if you have kiddos you really get to lean into those memories of childhood adventures. There is nothing like spending a day through the lens of your children. Thankfully January gave a handful of opportunities to embrace this.
a few pretty moments of my January
Here are a few things I have been loving this past month

monochromatic rooms, butter yellow, pattern mixing, custom pinboards, organic flower arrangements

stripes, warm wood, desk nightstands, offset gallery walls, soft blue, cafe curtains
2025 trends - the year we layer
I think this year we can anticipate even more ways to infuse a home with custom character. It's the details that truly make a house feel like a well lived in, curated home. We're revisiting a lot of traditional design by incorporating more trim and wallpaper, mixing and layering patterns, and adding cafe curtains. Expect to continue seeing color drenched rooms, but with a slightly more monochromatic approach, including fabrics and furnishings. Warm wood tones are in full force, statement lighting and layered lighting remain popular, and I don't see this trend fading! Embrace some dusty toned pastel colors, butter yellow, brown, and those classic nostalgic hues.
This year's design largely builds on last year's offerings by layering more small details and designs. Looking to add more detail to your space? Enhance your walls with layered trim and wallpaper, found and curated art, switch to patterned curtains or add Roman shades and drapes! Layer wall sconces and table lamps, plus candle sticks! Anything to make your home feel cozy, and tell a story! And did I mention layering?
Here are the things on the docket for February
Custom pinboard -- I want to have a DIY blog to share!
Make homemade toaster strudels -- do we want more homemade food recipes?
Customize dining curtains with a velvet trim -- also a post on this! cause we are layering this year!
Finish planning Copelans 1st birthday
Work on gallery walls & now I want to make one offset
Wrap up the sunroom project
Continue plugging away on all of my designs
Get back to my daily walks because I have a new book to listen to! I will report back on this on my February love letter
Continue to work on staying grounded and remembering what is important.
Here's to hoping next month's love letter includes a bit more organization, some insightful DIY projects, and a few ideas to plan for spring!
see ya next month!
xx kasey
