We are halfway through August which really feels like summer is coming to a close. I have taken a pause to really appreciate this last bit of season we are in. With such a change in our life the last couple of months it has been hard for me to slow down and soak in these moments. I have decided to really be present and focus on more mindful moments. This time will pass and I will never get it back . . I am in drenched in baby love and lack of sleep but I wouldn't trade this time for anything. No matter how sleepy I am, I know I will miss these days.

August sunsets are always the prettiest

We started a new tradition of going to the sunflower patch

I did a little modeling for R.Riveter's 10 year Anniversary coming up

We finished up and closed on Gibson finally!

A little before shot

And after...

We always break bread at each renovation once we have completed. We take this time to thank God for the opportunity and to pray in the home for the new owners.

And finally we celebrated Callan turning 3 months! Time really has flown by.

I have been more intentional with my time, knowing when to slow down and rest and when to be busy and create memories. This has allowed me to really soak in these days and fill them with more mindful moments, what I will cherish most! I hope your August has been beautiful and as it comes to an end, I hope you too have many mindful moments.