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Red white & blue | a Fourth of July


Where has the year gone? I always know that once the Fourth of July rolls around half of the year is over and we only have half left!

I love the Fourth of July. We have a pool so it makes celebrating and hosting so much fun! Brandon and I have always enjoyed hosting and being the absolute most with it! Now that we have a baby, not like he will remember this year, we really want to make the effort to put real traditions in place. This includes going all out, its what we know best. Being intentional with our time and celebrations is something we want to show our son. To grow up excited about holidays and celebrations and to know how to really have fun with it! Life is short, you might as well celebrate it.

So, this year I really stepped it up with the decorations, which has been so much fun to do. To be able to get creative and go all out totally fills my cup.

We made a spread of food and invited over friends and family to enjoy and celebrate our freedom!

Brandon woke up at 3am to start smoking some pork for the pulled pork sandwiches!

We topped them with our coleslaw

On the side was my pasta salad

Chips of course

Then for dessert I made these Honey Lemon Blueberry cupcakes with Honey Cream Cheese Icing. And of course Brandon made 3 different ice creams, Vanilla, Blueberry and Strawberry. See the theme there?

It is so much fun for us to host and create these memories. We love being able to cook and serve for others.

Hope everyone had a fun and safe Fourth of July and remembered the true reason we celebrate! Thank you to all who has served for our freedom!




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